
Organizational Profile

My Village (MVi) is a Cambodian non-profit-non-government-organization was founded in November 2006 and officially registered with Ministry of Interior on 25th January 2007.

MVi is operating its programs in northeast provinces of Cambodia, particular in Mondulkiri, Kratie and Stung Treng.

Our Projects

Youths’ Action for Biodiversity Conservation (YABC)

Case Study: Improved roles of women leader in fish catch monitoring in Srea Sronuk village

Fisheries Conservation by Community Fisheries in Mekong and its tributaries in Stung Treng, Cambodia

Want to Help? Sponsor or Donate!

Indigenous people, to way together for better life!

How Can You Help?

Your donation will help us save and improve lives with research, education and emergency care.

Our Partnership

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