
Our Projects

15 Jul
Bushmeat is not good for health, please join together to stop eating and buying bushmeat

The perception that eating bushmeat can cure diseases or supplement health is not right. However, continuing to eat bushmeat can cause serious risks (even death) for your health. Participate in talking about the negative impacts of eating and trading bushmeat together for the safety, health of you and your family, help protect and preserve our environment and natural resources.

#Talk2ProtectOurWildlife​​​​​ #SayNoBushmeat #NegativeImpactOfBushmeatOnHumanHealth #TogetherForCambodiaWildlife #TimeToStandUpForTheWildlife​ ​#TogetherWeSaveOurWildlife ​​#WildlifeIsnotMadicine

15 Jul
Together to protect our wildlife​ Community involvement for trading and eating bushmeat reduction

Wildlife plays an important role in protecting the environment, natural heritage and national ecotourism, which is an inexhaustible source of income for local communities and the national economy.

What should local communities do to prevent and reduce wildlife trafficking and consumption in Cambodia?

Participate in talking about the negative impacts of eating and trading bushmeat together to protect and conserve the environment, natural resources and encourage the local ecotourism sector to grow steadily to ensure the economic sustainability of local communities and our national economy.

#Talk2ProtectOurWildlife​​​​​ #SayNoBushmeat #NegativeImpactOfBushmeatOnHumanHealth #TogetherForCambodiaWildlife #TimeToStandUpForTheWildlife​ ​#TogetherWeSaveOurWildlife ​​#WildlifeIsnotMadicine

15 Jul
The engagement’s indigenous youth, women networks in commune climate change budget

Donor : UNDP

Project : The engagement’s indigenous youth, women networks in commune climate change budget and monitoring.

Date : 28th July, 2022

MVi organized one workshop at provincial levels to aware the champions for commune administration who have allocated more budget for climate change activities in commune plans and award for indigenous women and indigenous youths who are active to work with commune councilors for the success of budget allocation for climate change activities in the commune. It was attended from 120 participants (64 women, 56 youths, 03 LGBT+, 03 PWD) including indigenous women, indigenous youths from seven villages, and commune councilors from four communes, district officials, and provincial officials. This activity was implemented on 28th July, 2022 at Rasmey Pich hotel in Stung Treng province.

The outstanding commune on best praises of budget allocation for climate change in commune plans have been awarded to Kbal Romeas commune councilor. Active indigenous women have been awarded to Tourn Song women focal person and indigenous youths have been awarded to youth focal person in Samkhouy village.

15 Jul
My True Story Disadvantages of young marriage in indigenous communities

Donor: USAID and ADHOC
Project: Inclusive Participation of Indigenous Child and Youths in CEFM Reduction in indigenous communities (IPICiC)
Implement: MVi
Date: October 29, 2022
Young marriage is still a challenge in Cambodia, and in some areas, it is considered common, especially in Ratanakkiri and Mondulkiri provinces, where the rate of young people deciding to get married at a young age is up to 36 percent compared to other provinces across the country.

15 Jul
I’m wrong Join together to reduce young and forced marriages

Donor: USAID and ADHOC
Project: Inclusive Participation of Indigenous Child and Youths in CEFM Reduction in indigenous communities (IPICiC)
Implement: MVi
Date: October 29, 2022

Young marriage is still a challenge in Cambodia, and in some areas, it is considered common, especially in Ratanakkiri and Mondulkiri provinces, where the rate of young people deciding to get married at a young age is up to 36 percent compared to other provinces across the country.

Forcing a child to marry at a young age can have many consequences or disadvantages for child and parents in the future.

As shown in this educational video, forcing a child (youth) to get married at a young age, she/he forces to live with someone that she/he does not like (love), domestic violence, divorce, health problems and especially the loss of the future due to the compulsion to drop out of school, resulting in the loss of the opportunity to get a better job or career.

Every parent loves their child, wants to see them have a family, have children and grandchildren and happiness in the family, but this video also wants to send a message to all parents: “Forcing children to get married at a young age” It is not the right thing to do, but it is the loss of your children future, and you (parents) only regret it. If you really love your children, please give the opportunity, encourage and motivate them to study hard, that is the right thing to do, thank you!

#As a good parent, you should not force your child to get married at a young age.

15 Jul
Advancing CSCs’ Capacity to Enhance Sustainability Solution in the Eastern Plains Landscape of Cambodia

Donor :  EU

Project :  Advancing CSCs’ Capacity to Enhance Sustainability Solution in the Eastern Plains Landscape of Cambodia

Implement: MVi

Date : October 29, 2022

This is a part of improvement for the community development work of Pou Chrey Protected Area, which is placed in Pou Chrey Commune, Pichreada District, Mondulkiri Province. On October 29th, 2020, My Village Organization team organized a meeting with the community of Pou Chrey Community Protected Area in order to present the results of the work for community management that has been implemented so far by focusing on the four main pillars: (1) Natural resources are conserved, (2) The well-being of community members has been improved, (3) Community welfare is guaranteed and (4) External support to be used as a tool for reflecting on community performance. There were a total of 15 participants, 7 females. As a result, after the community meeting, we observed that external support received 2.83 points, natural resources were maintained at 2.71 points, and the well-being of community members improved about 2.43, but for community welfare guaranteed got only 1.75 points. Through this meeting, we can assess that the management of the community in the Community Protected Area of ​​Pu Chrey should be further strengthened on the third pillar, which focuses on ensuring the well-being of the community.

Note: For each pillar, we score from 1 to 4, score 1 is the lowest point and score 4 points is the highest score, used as a tool for reflecting the efficiency of the community.

15 Jul
Youths’ Action for Biodiversity Conservation (YABC)

Donor : USAID

Project :  Youths’ Action for Biodiversity Conservation (YABC)

Activity: Training on SBSS and Theme I on Reduction of Luxury Wood Furniture Consumption

Date : March 27 – May 15, 2022

Recognizing that threats to forests, wildlife and biodiversity are the most important issues in the eastern landscape of Cambodia. My Village is an NGO that carries out a number of activities to conserve natural resources by empowering indigenous communities such as protected area communities, ethnic women’s networks, and ethnic youth networks.

Project of Youths’ Action for Biodiversity Conservation (YABC) focus on youth participation to increase the capacity for widespread dissemination of forests, wildlife, biodiversity and the environment, especially to local communities effectively.

Through the above issues, My Village Organization organized a training course on: “Reduction of Luxury Wood Furniture Consumption” for 13-school youth in the target area of ​​Mondulkiri province for youths. The purpose of this training is to 

– Increase awareness of the benefits of forests and biodiversity

– Raise awareness of the impact of using luxury wood furniture

– Increase the positive attitude of the participants and share it with their friends, family as well as through Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC)

A total of 325 youths (226 women) and 159 indigenous youth (116 women) participated. Through pre-testing the ability of youths, we observed that we provided the training, only about 43 percentage have an understanding of the forest and luxury wood furniture. In contrast, after they received the training from My Village Organization on: “Reduction of Luxury Wood Furniture Consumption”, they can learn more about the forest, as well as the problem of furniture made from luxury wood up to 80 percentage. In addition, they committed to reduce of using the furniture made of luxury wood from day to day, as well as to share the knowledge they gained from this training to share to their families, relatives, friends and the community as much possible. Furthermore, they also gained a lot positive thinking and how to talk about forest issues and luxury wood furniture to their relatives, families, friends and community for reduction of luxury wood consumption and forest and biodiversity conservation. The methods that have been successfully implemented in this training course include group discussion, presentation, Q&A, watching educational videos and role play which can encourage they to reduce shyness or fear to express themselves, especially the performance from role play helped the youths to remember and better understand the relationship between the forest and luxury wood furniture. 

***Note: For scoring the test of youth’s ability before and after the training, use the evaluation level of five numbers, the lowest score is represented as number 1 and the highest score is represented as number 5. Thank you!

15 Jul
friends and family to save forests from not Purchasing Luxury Wood Furniture

Donor: USAID
Project: Youths’ Action for Biodiversity Conservation (YABC)
Activity: Educational Video on I can speak up and support and persuade my friends and family to save forests from not Purchasing Luxury Wood Furniture
Date: March 28, 2022

My Village Organization (MVi) has organized three online campaigns through Online Community Center (OCC) Facebook Page on demand reduction for luxury wood furniture, reducing bushmeat consumption and stopping littering. These campaigns were conducted to increase the understanding and knowledge about the negative impacts of bushmeat consumption, luxury wood furniture and littering on biodiversity, forests, environment and human health and to increase the participation of citizens to support and take positive action for the purpose of reducing bushmeat consumption and demand for luxury wood furniture and stopping littering.

The video below is part of a campaign to Demand Reduction for Luxury Wood Furniture, which will highlight the benefits of forests, the destruction of natural resources through the use of luxury wood furniture, and youth participation to reduce the use of furniture made of luxury wood.





Facebook Page Link: 

Facebook Name: Online Community Center


15 Jul
Educational Video on Purchasing Luxury Wood Furniture Would mean that you are contributing to the loss of Cambodia’s beautiful forest

Donor: USAID
Project: Youths’ Action for Biodiversity Conservation (YABC)
Activity:Educational Video on Purchasing Luxury Wood Furniture Would mean that you are contributing to the loss of Cambodia’s beautiful forest
Date: March 28, 2022

My Village Organization (MVi) has organized three online campaigns through Online Community Center (OCC) Facebook Page on demand reduction for luxury wood furniture, reducing bushmeat consumption and stopping littering. These campaigns were conducted to increase the understanding and knowledge about the negative impacts of bushmeat consumption, luxury wood furniture and littering on biodiversity, forests, environment and human health and to increase the participation of citizens to support and take positive action for the purpose of reducing bushmeat consumption and demand for luxury wood furniture and stopping littering.

The video below is part of a campaign to Demand Reduction for Luxury Wood Furniture, which will highlight the benefits of forests, the destruction of natural resources through the use of luxury wood furniture, and the disadvantages deforestation.




Facebook Page Link: 

Facebook Name: Online Community Center

15 Jul
Training on SBCC Toolkits and Theme I on Reduction of Luxury Wood Furniture Consumption

Donor : USAID

Project :  Youths’ Action for Biodiversity Conservation (YABC)

Activity: Training on SBCC and Theme I on Reduction of Luxury Wood Furniture Consumption

Date : March 27 – May 15, 2022

Recognizing that threats to forests, wildlife and biodiversity are the most important issues in the eastern landscape of Cambodia. My Village is an NGO that carries out a number of activities to conserve natural resources by empowering indigenous communities such as protected area communities, ethnic women’s networks, and ethnic youth networks.

Project of Youths’ Action for Biodiversity Conservation (YABC) focus on youth participation to increase the capacity for widespread dissemination of forests, wildlife, biodiversity and the environment, especially to local communities effectively.

Through the above issues, My Village Organization organized a training course on: “Reduction of Luxury Wood Furniture Consumption” for 13-school youth in the target area of ​​Mondulkiri province for youths. The purpose of this training is to 

– Increase awareness of the benefits of forests and biodiversity

– Raise awareness of the impact of using luxury wood furniture

– Increase the positive attitude of the participants and share it with their friends, family as well as through Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC)

A total of 325 youths (226 women) and 159 indigenous youth (116 women) participated. Through pre-testing the ability of youths, we observed that we provided the training, only about 43 percentage have an understanding of the forest and luxury wood furniture. In contrast, after they received the training from My Village Organization on: “Reduction of Luxury Wood Furniture Consumption”, they can learn more about the forest, as well as the problem of furniture made from luxury wood up to 80 percentage. In addition, they committed to reduce of using the furniture made of luxury wood from day to day, as well as to share the knowledge they gained from this training to share to their families, relatives, friends and the community as much possible. Furthermore, they also gained a lot positive thinking and how to talk about forest issues and luxury wood furniture to their relatives, families, friends and community for reduction of luxury wood consumption and forest and biodiversity conservation. The methods that have been successfully implemented in this training course include group discussion, presentation, Q&A, watching educational videos and role play which can encourage they to reduce shyness or fear to express themselves, especially the performance from role play helped the youths to remember and better understand the relationship between the forest and luxury wood furniture. 

***Note: For scoring the test of youth’s ability before and after the training, use the evaluation level of five numbers, the lowest score is represented as number 1 and the highest score is represented as number 5. Thank you!

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