Donor : UNDP
Project : The engagement’s indigenous youth, women networks in commune climate change budget and monitoring.
Date : 28th July, 2022
Donor : UNDP
Project : The engagement’s indigenous youth, women networks in commune climate change budget and monitoring.
Date : 28th July, 2022
MVi organized one workshop at provincial levels to aware the champions for commune administration who have allocated more budget for climate change activities in commune plans and award for indigenous women and indigenous youths who are active to work with commune councilors for the success of budget allocation for climate change activities in the commune. It was attended from 120 participants (64 women, 56 youths, 03 LGBT+, 03 PWD) including indigenous women, indigenous youths from seven villages, and commune councilors from four communes, district officials, and provincial officials. This activity was implemented on 28th July, 2022 at Rasmey Pich hotel in Stung Treng province.
The outstanding commune on best praises of budget allocation for climate change in commune plans have been awarded to Kbal Romeas commune councilor. Active indigenous women have been awarded to Tourn Song women focal person and indigenous youths have been awarded to youth focal person in Samkhouy village.