
Advancing CSCs’ Capacity to Enhance Sustainability Solution in the Eastern Plains Landscape of Cambodia

15 Jul

By: giant

Sustainable Forest Resource Management

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Donor :  EU

Project :  Advancing CSCs’ Capacity to Enhance Sustainability Solution in the Eastern Plains Landscape of Cambodia

Implement: MVi

Date : October 29, 2022

This is a part of improvement for the community development work of Pou Chrey Protected Area, which is placed in Pou Chrey Commune, Pichreada District, Mondulkiri Province. On October 29th, 2020, My Village Organization team organized a meeting with the community of Pou Chrey Community Protected Area in order to present the results of the work for community management that has been implemented so far by focusing on the four main pillars: (1) Natural resources are conserved, (2) The well-being of community members has been improved, (3) Community welfare is guaranteed and (4) External support to be used as a tool for reflecting on community performance. There were a total of 15 participants, 7 females. As a result, after the community meeting, we observed that external support received 2.83 points, natural resources were maintained at 2.71 points, and the well-being of community members improved about 2.43, but for community welfare guaranteed got only 1.75 points. Through this meeting, we can assess that the management of the community in the Community Protected Area of ​​Pu Chrey should be further strengthened on the third pillar, which focuses on ensuring the well-being of the community.

Note: For each pillar, we score from 1 to 4, score 1 is the lowest point and score 4 points is the highest score, used as a tool for reflecting the efficiency of the community.

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